BLFC: Neo Reno

Reno, NV | October 21 - October 24, 2021


Header Submit A Panel Submit A Panel

BLFC is highly dependent on the community in order to provide skillfully presented panels.

We are happily accepting applications from panelists and are actively looking for presenters with skills and knowledge that they are eager to share. If you wish to run a panel or have an idea for a panel, go ahead and click the button below and apply to host one, or contact the panels lead. Help us help you entertain our other fellow guests.

Header Meet 'n Greets Meet 'n Greets

One of our primary goals is to foster social interaction and get like-minded people chatting about their favorite hobbies, and meeting new friends with common interests.
Choose a hobby or an interest and register a meet and greet for it, and meet those like-minded people you want to meet!
Meet and greets are extremely easy to host, since the point is just to gather people to meet and talk about the selected topic. Anyone can host one!

Header Panel Ideas Panel Ideas

While BLFC does not have panel "tracks," we do encourage panelists of all types to participate in our convention.

Header Rules Rules

Can 18+ panels be hosted?

Yes, panels with 18+ content are allowed. Typically they will be scheduled at night. You will be responsible for finding a volunteer to check ID at the door, and your panel will be cancelled if you don't have one.

I want to do a workshop, but I can't afford to give away supplies.

You are allowed to charge for supplies for your workshop. We recommend you try to keep it under $10, or you may not get much interest. Do not charge more than the actual cost of the supplies.

My panel has unusual equipment or room requirements.

That's probably okay. You'll need to note your special needs when you submit the application.

Will an ASL interpreter be available?

We will be hiring an ASL interpreters. Not every event will have an interpreter, but the most-requested ones will. If you happen to be ASL-fluent and want to volunteer to be an interpreter, please contact the panels lead.

What are Meet & Greets?

Our primary goal is to get people together to make new friends. If you have a specific interest and want to meet like-minded new friends, please declare a Meet & Greet. M&G hosts don't really have to prepare or do anything except to declare the M&G is happening, and attend.

What panels are happening?

Closer to the con, we will post the live working-copy schedule, which will update repeatedly as panels are added and juggled, and settle down to a final schedule about two weeks before the con

Header Map Map

The Panel Rooms will be located in the Executive Level meeting Rooms, a third floor section of the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino.

Header Schedule Schedule

Once available, the event schedule will be available here:

Header Lounge Area Activities Lounge Area Activities

One goal of Biggest Little Fur Con is to provide entertaining activities that anyone can do in the main function space. To further this goal, staff is working on putting various "toys" around the con to stave off boredom, get some good laughs, create funny pictures, and create fond memories that attendees can take home with them.

Staff is working on designing and building more "toys" to give you silly pictures, silly moments, and happy memories.

Header Contact Us Contact Us

If you have any additional questions or would like clarification, please feel free to contact us