BLFC: Neo Reno

Reno, NV | October 21 - October 24, 2021


Header Reinstatement Reinstatement

If you were previously approved for a table, cancelled because of any of the reschedules, and are okay with the new dates, please contact the dealer's den staff to request reinstatement, and we will make every effort to accommodate.

Header Dealer Application Dealer Application

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns regarding the application process.

Header Table Fees Table Fees

BLFC offers two types of vendor experiences, Tables and Booths. Tables provide you with a typical furry convention vendor experience where you are provided with a table and some seating space behind it. We recommend a Table for traditional vendors, smaller vendors or if it’s your first time! Booths provide you with a floor space that you can use as you wish. We recommend a Booth for vendors who need to provide an interactive space for their customers or have a lot of merchandise and benefit from a “store” setup.

Table - $150

Booth - $250

Optional upgrades

Header Dealer Setup Hours Dealer Setup Hours

Dealer Only Hours
Thursday 1PM - 8PM
Friday 9AM - NOON & 6PM- 7PM
Saturday 10AM - 11AM & 6PM- 7PM
Sunday 10AM - 11AM & 5PM- 8PM
Sale Hours
Friday Noon - 6PM
Saturday 11AM - 6PM
Sunday 11AM - 5PM

Header Selection Process Selection Process

BLFC operates with a juried process for selecting dealers. We avoid the “first-come-first-serve” method because we believe avoiding it helps provide the best dealer hall experience for our attendees. Unfortunately we do not like to go into the specifics of how the jurying process works. If everyone knew how the process worked, it opens up the process to manipulation, then we wouldn’t be able to judge vendors on merits that we deem are important.

Header Taxes Taxes

How to remit taxes

At the start of the convention you will be provided with a temporary business license. This piece of paper must remain on you at all hours of operation during the event. You must remit your sales taxes on Sunday before you leave. Taxes are collected on all sales done on the convention property, including sales processed through online payment processors (such as: Stripe, Paypal).

Business License

The city of Reno (not the state) requires a temporary business license for exhibitors at conventions. The cost of this business license is included in your dealer’s den space, and BLFC will provide you with the business license by Friday of the convention before business begins. Con staff will help you fill out the form; it’s easy. Most of the information will be filled out for you. Should you not have a form, or lose your form, please stop by the convention store to pick one up.

Tax Collection

All sales are subject to state and local sales tax (percentage will be available in your tax form). At the end of the con, you must complete your sales taxes with the dealer den lead before you leave. Nevada has no income tax; be sure to check if you owe income tax in your home state/country. Both the state and the convention receive a copy of the paperwork you submit.

Tax Inclusion

If you include sales tax in your prices, you must have signage posted at your table that states "sales tax is included in the price."


You must submit sales tax after closing on Sunday before you leave. Dealers must bring their final sales total to Dealer Operations and pay their sales taxes before leaving the convention. Failure to do so will result in your application being rejected in future years, and your nonpayment will be reported to the Nevada Department of Taxation for collections.

Early Checkout

The dealer’s den lead can work with you at any time to process your checkout and collect taxes. Once you check out, you cannot continue business.

Header Restrictions Restrictions


Content of any maturity level can be sold in either the Dealer’s Den or the Black Market (this includes standard, booth, and bazaar tables). Black Market allows unrestricted display of mature content so long as it is not audible. In the Dealer’s Den, it is your responsibility to restrict visibility of adult material from the eyes of minors. Restricted material involves images depicting (a) use of narcotics, steroids, or usage of products that present a risk to consumer safety, (b) drug paraphernalia, (c) items that promote hate, violence, racial intolerance, or the financial exploitation of a crime, (f) items that are considered obscene, (g) certain sexually oriented materials or services, (h) overly generous amount of exposed flesh, (i) items that are meant to be arousing.

Copyrighted Characters

If you are selling content depicting copyrighted characters, it is your responsibility to get the appropriate licenses to sell that content.

Food, Drink & Tobacco products

Per hotel policy, pre-packaged manufactured food or drinks cannot be sold by dealers. Small candy can be given away, but not sold. Per city ordinance, all tobacco-related products (including nicotine-free vaporizer products) require a special business license that costs several hundred dollars.


BLFC does not allow auctions to be performed on the premises UNLESS they are silent auctions with written bids. You may have silent auctions at your booth/table, but our art gallery is usually a better place to sell items this way, and we usually have space to fit in a few extra items.


Dealers are not allowed to hold raffles of any kind. Raffles are considered “illegal lotteries” in the state of Nevada.

Pets and Animals

The dealers den is a busy location without easy access to the outside, we do not recommend that vendors bring their pets along as this can be stressful for the animal. As per the hotel policy, service dogs that meet the requirements set forth by State of Nevada statute (NRS 426.510) will still be accepted on property. If you are bringing a service animal, please be sure to let us know so we can try to accommodate you in a location with ample space behind your table.

Header FAQ FAQ


Application does not guarantee a dealers den space. Approved dealers will be notified via email. Judging is based on items that the applicant wishes to sell, quality of items compared to other applicants, and presentation of product. Other criteria may be added as necessary.


At the end of business each day, the dealer room doors will be closed, locked, and will not be opened for anyone. If you forget something you need, you will not be able to retrieve it until the next day. We recommend that you bring a sheet to cover your whole table with whenever you are not manning it, to make it clear that your business is closed. If you must leave your table unmanned during business hours, you must make your own arrangements for protecting your table.

Wifi Access

Dealer WiFi will be provided for dealers at no extra cost. WiFi password will be provided to dealers at the beginning of the convention, should you not receive the password please stop by the convention store.


Each table comes with two chairs. There may be more chairs available, but usually they are in limited supply. Please inform us if you’ll need more than two chairs ahead of time and we should be able to accommodate the request.


BLFC does not provide any additional equipment aside from the table, chair, and table skirt.

Dealer’s Assistants

Assistants of dealers will need to buy their own con badge to access the dealer’s den. When submitting your application, indicate the names of your helpers, so their badges can read “dealer assistant.”

Sit Next To . . .

Vendors can add their seating preference via the "Seating Preferences" option in the registration/dealer app menu (you may need to refresh the registration page after making your application to see it).

You will need to provide your Vendor ID to the vendor you wish to sit next to, they'll put it into their form and you'll need to do the same with their Vendor ID. We will only honor seating arrangements from vendors who mutually request each other.

You may request multiple people to sit next to if you are part of a large group.

Electricity Usage

Dealer electricity costs us a lot of money and thus electricity will be an additional charge. The cost for electricity is $60.

Payment for Table

When your application is accepted, you will receive payment instructions via email. Payment can be done through the registration website.

Waiting List

You will also receive an email if you are placed on a waiting list. When applications on the waiting list are accepted, you will have 7 days to respond before staff moves on to the next dealer on the list.

Size of Table

The table dimensions are 2.5 feet by 8 feet. You do have some space behind your table but please be courteous to other vendors who are behind you or who might need to use the space behind tables to enter/exit the area.

When and Where Can I Get a Ticket?

You can get a ticket before or during the con at




Sponsors and Patrons will get the beginning set of tickets which will grant them entry first.


Epic level attendees will be able to fast track to the front of the queue. Proceed to the Vendor Line and have your badge ready for inspection.


Attendees with a disability can proceed to the Vendor Line and flag for a volunteer to be admitted with the next entry line. If you need an assistant, they may enter with you.


No, ticket management is people management. We need to be able to have an adequate expectation of how many people will be in the vendor hall at any given time. One ticket, one entry..


Yes, tickets are valid from the time stated on the ticket until closing time on Friday.


No, the point of the system is to prevent people from forming lines. If we allowed entry with earlier groups that would cause a new line to begin.


Ticketed entry will end after peak hours are over. We expect peak hours to die down on Friday around 3 PM to 5 PM. There is no ticket required for Saturday or Sunday.


No, the ticketed entry is only Friday.


There are bathrooms in the Dealer’s Den, the entrance to them is located in the Bazaar room to the right of the main entrance.


No, there is only one line to enter which should not require much waiting on your part, but may be subject to short delays to ensure compliance with fire code and occupancy limits.


No! Proceed straight to the Vendor Line and scan your wristband for entry.


There are pressing issues with lines of our length being formed outside the dealer’s den. The fire department does not like having large groups of people waiting in line, this can cause potential blocking of traffic in hallways and fire exits. They raised concerns about the health of people waiting in line for up to 5 hours, people getting tired, needing water, etc. GSR businesses have also stated that the line impacts their business as well, with people congregating and blocking their entrances, despite our efforts to have people not block their businesses. Additionally it makes their businesses look busy when they really are not.

Header Contact Us Contact Us

If you have any additional questions or would like clarification, please feel free to contact us